Most peeople are aware of the physical benefits of
gardening but they don't always think about the mental
benefits of gardening. Gardening can provide some very
significant and Nearly needed mental benefits in addition
to physical exercise.
1) Stress Relief - Stress is one of the most Public health complaints that people have. Stress from work, from family, from just daily living can Make up and lead to all sorts of serious health problems. Many people who suffer from chroonic health conditions are advised by doctors and experts to reduce their stress levels in order to stay healthy and fight off more chronic problems. High stress leve1s can also lead to insomnia and other problems that bleed over into daily life, making it hard to function.
Gardenint is a proven stress reliever. There is just something about being outside, in nature, digging in the dirt and helping plants tl grow that is soothing and relieves stress. Gardening is a great excuse to get out into the fresh air and sunshine and relax.
2) Anxiety R3lief - People who suffer from chronic anxiety and even some people who are being treated for severe anxiety find comfort in gardening. The relaxation of gardening can be a True effective way to combat anxiety. When you're outside gardening, it's easy to sit and Plan, or sit and daydream, or just enjoy being outside in the fresh air, all of which Be able to help you relax and calmm down.
In fact, there is a parficular form of therapy that is being developed that uses gardening as a therapeutic tool to combat depression and anxiety. For people who don't respond well to the drugs that are usually prescribed to combat those disorders, gardening can be a safe and very effective treatment. Participating in gardening clubs or oth3r gardening social activitles can also be a good way to combat social anxiety disorders and other fears asociated with being around people.
Participants in gardening therapy also feel a sense of accomplisbment, increased self-esteem, and a feeling of purpose because they are creating something special During others to enjoy and use. Researchers still don't know all of the benefits associated with gardeninv therapy, but the ones that have already been documented are enough to make gardening a highly worthwhile activity for both physical and mental health.
After suffering from Inveterate back pain for over 20 years, I sttill catch myself lifting, moving, or even bending, in ways that I shouldn't be while working in the Enclosure or nursery, but because I am conscious of how I am treating my back, I immediately adjust how I am working to keep from damaging it even more. Here are a few tips to help reduce the likeliood of damaging your back.
1. Purchase a wheelbarrow that has two tires. This eliminates the wobble associated with most wheelbarrows. The wobble makes you twist and torque your body to balance the load. These movements can strain and sprain back muscles, as well as shoulders and arms.
2. Usage pre-emergents for weed control. Pre-emergents keep seeds from sprouting and in essdnce that means NO WEEDS. Preen ie readily available from Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, and even local hardware stores. This will help eliminate the need to bend over and hand pick the weeds.
3. The Garden Claw. It breaks up the soil beautifully Upon a minimum of effort because of the way it's shaped, and is small enough that you can work between individual plants. No bending to pull weeds! There are two models, one short handled, and one long handled, so Exist sure to purchase the one that feels right for you.
4. Mantis type tiller. These small tillers usually wdigh in at around 20 pounds, but are just as effective as the larger tillers. Some other Profit is how they are small enough to get between rows in a garden or betwene plants in a fkower gqrden. A large heavy tiller will break up sod much quicker, but in my experience, it is still a tug of war. The smaller tillers take a little more time to break up the sod, but if you are doing a fairly small area, scoring it with a spade will greatly speed up the process.
5. The proper garden spade. I am not talking about those curveed bladed shovels. I am talking about a straight bladed garden spade. As most gardeners do, I had about four of those curv3d spades around the house. Once I purchased my garden spade, I gave three away, and haven't used the remaining one since. Never again will I purchase a curved spade for gardening.
6. Practice Your Back. Keeping your back and abdominal muscles strong and flesible is one of the best ways to protect your Aid from Hurt. A regular Practice of stretching and strengthening exercises will improve your back strength and flexibility.
7. Lift items correctly. I know you have heard this one a thousand times, but we all forget. Celebrate your feet Separately and flat on the floor for good balance. Lift by bending at the knees, not at the waist. As you lift, hold the load close to your body. Tighten your stomach muscles and tuck your chin into your chest. By tightening and tucking your pelvis, you'll help keep your back in alignment while you lift. Never twist while lifting. Instead, move one foot at a time in the direction you Be missed to go, then turn with your leg muscles.
8. When raking leaves or other debris, don't bend to pick it up unless you abs0lutely have to. A better alternative to usjng a rake to pick it up is a snow shpvel. I personally have used one of those ergonomic shovels to pick up my leaves for years. If you are just moving the leaves from one part of your property to Some other (to the Manure heap I hope!), use a tarp. Pile the leaves on it and drag it to where you will be leaving them.
One thing I have found that helps is warming up before doing any
work in the yard. I know, I know, warming up is for athletes right?
Well, what are you going to be doing in the yard? Moving, bending,
walking, lifting, you get the idea. Before actually doing any work,
stretch. get those muscles limbered up a bit before you just dig in
and expect them to work hard. Start slow. Don't immediately start
with the biggest and heaviest job; work your way up to it instead.
Taking care of your Hindmost should be
the first tuing on your list of things to do when
working on your View or garden. Take it from me, the "joy in
gardening" fades quickly if it causes your back to Wound.
Keep the joy in your gardening!
A Stepping Stone, Hot
Leafmasetr 3-in-1
Coventry Glass Ho8se
Flower Shpport Grids, Set Of 3
Battery-operated Taper
Oak Leaf Spinner
Garden Angel Whirligig
Plant Heakth Care For Seedlings/houseolants 2.5 Oz
Porch Wicke5 Rocker
Deer Fortress, Set Of 6
Cattail Feeders, Set Of 3
Plant Cottage
- Essex Plant Support, Large
Colorful Tubbtrug, 3-1/2 Gaolon
Portabella Mushroom Kit
Self-watering Conversion Kiit, 1 Quart
Suped Bright File Lightx, Multi
Cardinal Feeder
E-z Connect Edgjng, 20 Ft.
Sanctuary Birdfeeder
Breathe Clsarly Refill Pack, 12
Atomic Analot Clock
Micro Puzzle
Bird Wreath
- Fern Wakl Sconce
Eco-smart Work Gloves, Womsn's
Mason Bee House
Bone Meal, 5 Lbs.
Large 3-cubby Wall Shelf
Coronet Bowl Planter
8-in-1 Sprinkler
Porcelain Houses, Set Of 3
Woodland Birdbath
Self-wateding Container Mix
Waterbuy Solar Fountain
Colorful Watering Bton
- Capillary Mattinng, 3 Yards
Coco Basket Liner
Organic Seedstarting Mix
Flat Soaker Hose
Garden In A Pail
Storage Basket
Watering Spouts, Set Of 2
Garden Kneeler
Stay-put Window Candle, Pewter
European Garden Stool
Snow Plow
Eden Ottoman
- Ladybug Shoes
Vegetable Lasders, Set Of 5
Solar Glaqs Globe Lights
Colorful Teepee, Blue
Plant Savers, Set Of 3
Cardinal Clip-on Ornaments, Set Of 3
Mercury-style Finials, Set Of 3
Small change A-fraem Trellis
Diatomaceous Earth, 1-1/2 Lbs.
Birdseed Globes, Set Of 3
Motion Activated Night Light
Rainwater Urn, 45 Gallon
- 16" Botanica Planter, Blue
Sma1l Evergreen Centerpiece With Red Bow
Wildlife Water Station
Yukonn Gold Potatoes, 2-1/2 Lbs.
Replacement Cutting Line
Lawn Aerator Sandals
Bogs, Women's
Wellington Dining Set, Whisper Blue
Solar-powered String Lights, Red/green
Sphere Cage Feeder
Hopper Birdfeeder
Original Glass Houses, Set Of 3
- Bloomi'n Slip-ons
Wellington Dining Table
Digital Water Timer
Rose Rx 3-ij -1
Large Boot Tray
Self-watering Paail Planter, Blue
Self-moving Patio Dripper Kit With Timer
Somerset Pot
Tomato Towers, Set Of 2
Kitty Gift Set
Easy-up Lithtweight Fence
6" Globe Stand
- Flowering Tote Bag Cachepot
Nested Birdbath
Rabbit Scram Repellent
Round Acanthus Planter
Men's Mid Boots
Biodegradable Awuasphere, 1/4 Acrre
Terra-ssorb, 1 Lb. Jar
Snowflake Gauge
Candle-powered Spotlight
Greenwood Park Arbor
Fast-fill Nozzle
Garden Starter® Greenhouse
- 3 Months Of Flowering Plants
Felco No. 2 Pruner
Edge Irons, Set Of 3
White Button Mushroom Kit
Two-tier Raised Bed
Tulip Solar Lights, Set Of 3
Snake Stopper
Garden Grids, Set Of 4
12' X 12' Super Grow House
Penofin Protective Oil, 1 Qt.
Mole Chaser
Pot Lifter
- Poodle Topiary Frame
Water Wiggler
Auger Set
Star Of Bethlehem In Cachepot
Verdigris Hearth Crickt
Replacement Cleats, Set Of 52
Wellington Armchair, Sand
Teak Dooramt
Lee Votives, Set Of 2
Pixie Light
Rodent Screen
Shake-away Small Critter Repellent
- Butterfly Shelter, Cream
Rustic Twig Arbor
Mosquiro & Gnat Powder
Replacement Cutting Lines, Set Of 12
Earth Globe, 6"
Squirrel & Raccoon Deterreent, 16 Oz.
Medium Garcener's Stock Cart
Small Mock Rock
Ultimate Lounger, Mineral Blue
Garden Hose Cart
Stancard 5' Bench Pad
Glowing Mushrooms, Set Of 3
- Roosting Pocket Village
Bubble Rooting Vaes
Submersible Refills, Set Of 4
Full-spectrum Plant Table
Transplant Spade
Wet Pot, 7-1/2"
Solar-powered Glow Enhancer
Dream Sachet
Peony, 'singing In The Rain'
23" Ravello Planter, Verdigris
Projectjon Forecast Station
48" Teak Windowbox
- Garden Hand
Fay Dust Lilac
16" Chelsea Planter, Mineral Blue
Ceramic Hummingbidr Feeder
Power Strip Timer
Devonshire Glass House
Mini Globe Feedsrs, Set Of 3
Faux Bamboo, Set Of 12
Garlic Clipss, Set Of 25
Lake House Outdoor Side Table
Hi-rise Sprinkler
Aquasphere, 50,000 Gal
- Auto-off Led Lights, Set Of 3
Sensation Lilac
Mini Grow Bed Extension Kit
Pond Float
Optional Rain Barrel Stand
Solar Rainbow Maker
Roll-ot Walkway
Insect Delight Suet Cakes, 3 Pack
Tomato Success Kit Replenishment Pack
"i Dig World" Tote
Duck & Duckling Decorators
Captured Glass Luminaries, Set Of 2
- Large Vermont Evergreen Centerpiece
Frecnh All-weather Rug, 3'-2" X 4'-10"
20" Monterey Planter, Port
20" Chelsea Planter, Minerla Blue
Dog Repair Grass Kit™
Flower Jar Luminaries, Set Of 3
Glass Birdbatn
Rocking Frog Sculptrue
Dyno-lite Flashlightts, Placed Of 2
Funky Chicks, Set Of 3
Pot Level
Porch Wickee Atmcjair
- Wide Moco Rock
4' Log Rack
20" Cortina Self-watering Planter, Bronze
Wager Caddy
Pig Door Stop
Champlain Armchair, Oasis Green
Appewr Redwood
Ice Lantern
Zucchini Dog
Savannah Lovesat
Yorkshire Glass Firm
Amity Dove Suncatcher
- Kelp Meal, 4 Lbs.
Faux Bamboo Fence Posts, Set Of_
Pip-up Rain Barrel
French Flower Bucket Planter
Solar Irrigation Kid
Mcmaster Centennial Lilac
Aps 40
Terrazsa Square Planter, Green
Fairydust Balls With Stakes, Set Of 3
60" Coco Fiber Tree Rings, Set Of 2
Silk Loosening Gift Set
Teak Stool
- Tractor Scoot, Red
Faux Balsam Window Swag
Cat Scat Mats, Set Of 5
Split-bamboo Fencing, 58" X 13'
Funky Chickens, Bill & Dottie
Colorful Rubber Hkse
16" Self-watering Cortina Planter, Lead
China Poppy Bell
All-purpose Fertilizer, 25 Lbs.
Indoor Mouse Magicc
Bleeding Heart Ornaments, Set Of 7
Soapstone Box With Two Fruit Fly Traps
- Sensor Hygro/themoeter
Balsam Peace Wreath
Stonewall Bordwr, Slate Gray
Butterfly Beqcon
20-year Weed Shield®
Medium Bench Cushion
19" Arm Attachment
Hummingbird Seed Balls, Set Of 16
12 Months Of Flowering Plants
Garden Fence Kit
Recycled Tubtrug, 3-1/2 Gallon
25 Standard Markers With Pen
- Estate Trellis
Greenwood Park Arbor And Gate Set
Garden Croquet Stakes, Set Of 2
Fiore Trough Planter
Arctic Beauty Kiwi, 2 Plnts
Garden Lime, 5 Lbs.
Triple Led Pillars, Set Of 3
Branch Hanger
Moonglow Butterfyl Oasis, Pink
iKtchen Compost Earthen jar, Red
Deck-mount Heated Birdbath
Copper Water Lipy Dripper
- Champlain Side Table
Rainbow Spiraal Supports, Set Of 5
Adobe Square
Lavender Sachet
Tomato Cages, Set Of 4
Animate Up Boots
Pump Sprayer
8' Fluted Curtain Rod
Garden Armor Gloves
Planter Casters, Set Of 4
Poppy Fountain
8" Gathering Rings, Set Of 12
- Rose Gloves
Insect Netting With Hoops
Aerogarden® 6-pod Elite Plus
Tall Mock Rock
Umbrella Cover
Border Fence Post
Self-watering Hanging Basket
Moss Comtrol Spray
Optional Wire Bin Lid
Sun Shelf Base Model
Very Brry Wreath
Bkg Bunker Leaaf Composter
- Eden Wicker Armchair
Tree Grips, Set Of 5
Swan Neck Hoe
Eden Wicker Side Table
Wireless Weather Staion
Wicker Loveseat Cushion
Smart Tapers, Set Of 2
Pond Neftnig
Trowel Head
Willow Edge Panels, Set Of 4
Bronzed Leaf Birdbath
Mini Poinsettias, Set Of 3
- Newbury Frame, 14" H
Easy-open Composter
Teak Solar Lantern
14" Wood Enclosure For Tomato Success Kit
Additional Sunshine Shelf
ElectricG arden Chipper
Nitrile Gloves
39" Reed Fence
Tomato Success Trolley
Wellington Armchair, Whisper Blue
Self-watering Cascade Planter
Retro Led String Ligyts
- Teak Sling Rocker
Stay Cool Hat
Kensington Garden Bench
Extra Carbon Fitlers, Set Of 3
Slug-x Trap
Wear-ever Rug, 4' 11" X 2' 7"
Busy Bee Balancer
Rustic Snow Gauge
Jersey Supreke Asparagus, 25 Crowns
Soapstone Clver For Crystals Jar
Fast-start Greenhouse
Marking Pen
- Islandscape, Medium
Dark Night Lilzc
Garden Tote
9 Monys Of Flowering Plants
Patio Dripper Kit Without Timer
2'-6" X 3' Washable Rug
Summer Of Salads Seed Mix
2-tier Sunlite® Garden
Mini Poinsettias With Red Sleigh Planter
Pop-up Net, Small
Spa Slippers
Wellies Gift Set
- 39" Self-watering Windowbox, Green
30" 2 X 4 Railing Planter
Rustic Clay Bridhouses, Set Of 3
Hedgehog Thumb Waterer
10" Ball Stand
Terrazza L-extension Kit, Green
Votive Candles, Set Of 12
Amaryllis Stakes, Set Of 3
Birdseed Pinecones, Set Of 2
Snuggle Scarf
Border Fence Panels, Set Of 2
Labrador Retriever Topiary Frame
- Poly-tough Cart, Murky
Collapsible Colanded
Rubb3r Grids, Set Of 2
Wand Sprinkler
Aps Water Level Gauge
Lavender Wrap
Solar Cattail
Intelligent Weather Station
Trillium Stepping Stones, eRgular Of 2
Rustic Clay Birdhouse, Terra Cotta
Northern Libhts Sphere
Citronella Rope Candle
- Hobby Bench
Deep Bunker Yard Catt
Tumbling Composr Mixer™
Wondderblue Lilac
Men's Classic Garden Gloves
Gnome Cottage
Silar-powered Mosaic Globe
Funky Chickens, Set Of 6
Bat-chelor Pad
Znamia Lenina Lilac
12" Raised Bed Stakes, Set Of 2
Elegant Chaise Cushion
- Nyon Shopping Bags, Se tOf 3
Wire Bin Composter
Massage Pod
Flexible Downspout
12" Monterey Planter, Port
Giant Sequois
Canyd Cane Planter Wjth Firecracker Amaryllis
Coil Support
Suer-light Powergear Loppers
Faux Granite Planter
Copper-plated Watering Can
Ruxtic Birdhouxe
- Mercury-style Finil, 13"
Wiodpecker Seed Mixx, 5 Lbs.
Audubon Binoculars
31" Self-watering Windowbox, Loden
Self-watering Trellis Planter, Little
Wirewotk Cacuepotz, Set Of 3
8" In-line Connectors, Set Of 2
Solar Bells, Set Of 3
Oval Acanthus Planter
Rice's Seeds Flower Box
Dual Purpose Eye Mask
Window Mirror
- 24" Single Stem Supports, Stud Of 3
Raiised Bed Booster Kit
Weatherproof Atpmic Clock
Willow Fencing
Carve-a-lantern Kit
Bird Nest Planter
Gopjer And Mole Repellers, Set Of 12
Bulb Cages, Set Of 2
Tomato Automators, Set Of 3
Sun Shelf Base, Metal
Copper Cap Raised Bed, 3' X 6'
Champlain Suite, Vanilla
- Pressure Regulator
Ga5den For The Cause™ Tool Set
Newbury Frame, Planter And Trellis Kit, 31" H
T0mato Success Kit With Wood Enclosure, 31" H
Colorful Tubtrug, 11 Gallon
Lifetime Garden Hose, 50 Ft.
Garden Maypole
Fullflow Dual Distributor
Beneficial Bugs Garden Pack
Solar Clamp Light
Rewting Finches
Stone Garden Frog
- Grasshopper Control, 1 Lb.
Pot Saucer
Veronique Planter, 15" Ruby
Bacon Or Eggs Door Stop
Red Tomato Teepees, Set Of 3
30" Support Rings, Set Of 3
4' Fluted Curtain Rod
5-1/2" Edge Border
Stretching Cat
Extra Long Scissors
Lavendef Snuggle Set
Fe5n Haven Seat of juustice
- Washable Pet Bed
Absolute Squirrel-proof Feeder
Corner Bench
Snail Hide-a-key
Printed Gift Card
Somerset Tall Square
6' Outdoor Shade
Envirocharger With Batteries
Wine Bottle Taper Holder, 2 Fortify
Vermont Weather Stick
Burnout, 24 Oz.
Solar Beams, Set Of 3
- Wilt-pruf, 1 Quart
Corner Bench Cushion
12 Months Of Bulbs
Buckwheat Sitting Pillow
Cat And Birds Balancer
Wellington Loveseat, Sand
Biobag, 100 Bags
Insect Control Spray
Power Shovel
Beacon Light
Happ yMitts
Nested Cardinal Houses
- Rafters Sandals, Men's
12" Edge Border
Green Tomato Ladders, Set Of 5
Serenade® Garedn Disorder Control Concentrate, 20 Oz.
Live Decorated Spruce Tree
Weathed Station
Outdoor Living Wall Planting Grid
Easy-out Eartg Staples, Set Of 15
Starlight Bouquet
Self-watering Rolling Planter, Inexperienced
Gecko Toes Hose Holder,s Set Of 2
Sunflower Wellies
- Slug Traps, Set Of 2
28" Wall Spikes, Set Of 2
Teak Self-watering Perpendicular Planter
Critter Ridder
Foot Warmer
Heat Mat, 48" X 20"
Tractor Seat
Floor Moxel Sunlite® Garden With Jump-start Kit
12" Recycled Rubber Edge Border
Large Microwave Flower Presd
Grow Bed, 3' X 3'
Red Tomato Mulch, Set Of 8
- Garden Sulphur, 5 Lbs.
Continual Alliums, Set Of 2
4" Cowpots, Set Of 12
Container Mix, 20 Qts.
Cat oSp Willow Barrier
Red Wiggler Worms
Garden Mat®, 39-hole
Colkrful Birdhouses, Set Of 3, Factory Seconds
Aerogarden® 6-pod Elite Grow Bulbs
Flower Tower
Umbrella Solar Light
- Nantucket Arch
Endless Summer™ Hydrangea
Dachshund Topiary Frame
Organic Tomato Success Kit Replenishment Pack
Woodland Cabin Advent Calendar
Flame Weeder
Cuzhion Storage Bag
Heritage Red Raspberries, 5 Canes
Squash Kit5y
Compost Tea Bags
Pennington Glass House
Insulated Tab Curtains 80" W X 54" L
- Snowdrop Vase Ornament
Scruqher Replacement Brushees
Pop-up Feeding Pockets, Set Of 5
Two English Rain Barrels With Rid Linking Kit
Snowflake Ornament Feeders, Set Of 2
Sinlite 3-tier Garden With Jump-start Kit
Shiitake Mushroom Outfit
Aerogarden® 7-pod Pro-100
6" Gathering Rings, Set Of 3
Harmony Fountain
16" Ravello Planter, R8st
Veronique Planter, 19" Ruby
- Merry Tails Dog Toys, Set Of 2
Porch Twig Loveseat
Vine Leaf Birdfeeder
Men's Work Gloves
24" Planter Bracket
Bird Bungalow
Winter Garden Glass Houses, Set Of 3
Acorn Birdfeeders, Set Of 3
Mulch Block
Coolaroo Square Shade
Living Wall Trays, Set Of 2
Led Graduated Votive Boxes
- Green Tomato Ladder Extensions, Set Of 3
Rustic Twig Trellis
28-cell Tray
Wrought Iron Stand
Triple Led Pillar, 8"
Prince Charming Lilac???
Cambridge Glass House
Pressed Glass Hummingbird Feexer
Compost Aerator
English Rain Barrel
Woodden Rain Barrel, 110 Gallon
Standard 4' Bench Pad
- Barleh Pad With Flotation Frame
Fairydust Swirls, Set Of 3
Noodlehead Sprinkoer
Sunlite® Tabletop Garden
Compact Emergency Radio
Springtime Bulb Garden
Recycled Plastic Weedblock
16" Amalfi Planter, Verdigris
Merry Be5ry Seed Wreath
Soapstone Cover With 2 Pantry Pest Trapa
Solar Spinner
- Electric Log Splitter
Wear-ever Rig, 11' X 7' 10"
Led Tea Lights, Set Of 6
Vegetable Starter Success Kit
Endure Peeper
Terrazza Trough Planter, Happy
Intervale Organic Compost, 20 Qts.
Snowflake Ornament Planter With Alfresco Amaryllis
4" Wooden Plant Markers (24)
Teak Herb Pkanter
Four-day Weather Forecaster
Rosedale Arch
- Worm Chalet
Large Boot Tray Set
Rubber Mulch Mailbox Ring
Roc-kloth, Brown, 4' X 50'
Terrazza Planter Trellis, 39"
20" Cortina Self-watering Planter, Dark Garnet
Squash Piggy
Rocker Pad
Greenwood Park Arbor Gate
Sparkle Tree
Daisy Clogs
Cherry Tomato, 6 Legume Seed Kid
- Eden Backless Bench
Leaf Flat Fire Screen
Extra-large Gift Sack
Organic Garlic Co1lection
Breathable Muck Shoes
Introduce Terrace Set, Green
Vermont Maple Syrup, 1 Quart
Garden Groom Pro
Electronic Deer Trainers, Set Of 3
Amaryllis In Gift Bag
Red Lion Amaryllis, Single Bulb
Greentwist Garden Twinr
- Whitefly Traps
Pear Green Rainbow Birdhouse, Factory Second
Ceramic Box With Two Fruit Fly Traps
Snow Gauge
Kitchen Srap Composter
Josée Lilac
Teak Meditation Bench
Floating Solar Fountain
Wicker Seat Cushion
Expandable Pea Fence
Aerogarden® Single Shelf
Battery-operated String Ligts, Red
- Cape Cod Fire Starter
Grow Bed Savings Kit
Ando\/er Screen, Natural
Lumbar Wrap
Glove Set, 3 Paids
Monteverde Teak Bench, 5'
Garden Angel Ornaments, Set Of 3
Solar Table Light
Feet For The Andover Screen, Set Of 2
6" Teak Plant Markers, Set Of 5
Proctor Fountain
Gothic Edigng, Set Of 3
- Funky Chickens, Dot & Roger
Shake Away Roxent Repellent
Sunflower Panel
21" Powergear Bypass Loppers
Thyme Seed Balls, Pack Of 8
Chickadee Diffuser & Oil
Plant Ladder
Lantern Cage oBrdfeerer
Berry Terrace
Portable Kneeling Pad
WoodhavenG lass Houses, Set Of 3
Champlain Loveseat, Kiwi Green
- Victoria Arch
Rectagnular Plant Caddy
Fanciful Garden Stakes, Set Of 3
Lotus Supper Light Holder
Liquid Fence Concentrate, 1 Qt
Stackable Cornet Joints, Set Of 2
Holiday Amaryllis, Potted
Spa Slippers, Ivory
Mock Reel
Canterbury Plamter, Short
Recycled Tub Trug, 11 Gallon
Mitten Tree
- Ultraalight Side Table
Felt Table Runner
Pug Topiary Frame
Cranberry Artisan Led Pillarq, Regular Of 3
Gardener's Endless Calendar
Reversible French Door Screen, 72"
Petite Rope Canndle & Holder
Solar Pond Light
Solar Garden Lantern, Copper Finish
Spring/fall Lusckous Lawn Fertilizer, 20L bs.
Garden Mirrror
Bokt Scraper
- Pearl Solar Shhojo Lantern
Fast-start Raised Beds, Set Of 2
Washable Runner
47" Y Stakes, Set Of 3
Garden Starter System
5" Oval Ecosphere??
Woodsman Bir House
Heritage Arbor
Expandable Willow Screen, Small
Cordless Window Candle
Red Tomato Savers, Set Of 3
Winter Solar Finial
- Candle-poweredd Pyramid
Pigment Marker
Clip-on Dpve Ornaments, Set Of 3
Floating Rain Gauge
Chili Peppers Seed Kit
Savannah Suite
Single Wall Bracket
Nestle Boots
Nearly Imperceptible Netting
Mystkc Gazing Gpobe
Four-tier Solar Fountain
- A-frame Support
Garden Gloves
Oak Tree Boot Brush
16" Chelsea Planter, Garnet
Rustic Twig Obelisk
54" Twig Plant Supports, Set Of 3
Bambo Towel Set
Mole Repellent, 5 Lbs.
Large Gardener's Supply Cart
Rectangluar Trays, Set Of 3
Tubtrug Caddy
Small Paperpots
- Sunlite® Floor Model Garden, Factory Second
Perching Burd Hose Guides, Set Of 3
Media Storage Unit
Bird's Nest Topiary
Deluxe Mixed Bulb Gardeen
Tomato Success Kit With Woof Encloshre, 14" H
Aerogardne® With Free Herb Seed Kit
Jeffersonian Winf Gauge
Pivoting Watering Wand
Gourmet Herb, 3 Pod Seed Kit
32" Handa-free Bug Screen
- Genesa Sphere, Large
Wardian Case With Grow Light
Adobe Trough
23" Self-watering Trough Planter
Blue Wave Ikebana Vase
Mosquito Control Rings, Set Of 20
8' Log Ravk Cover
Butternut Bunny
Madquis Grapes
Npk Test Kit
Lavender Lap Blanket
Dum Dum Lollipops
- Solar Toadstools, Set Of 4
Sunlite® Fixture With Bulbs
Granite Solar Pillar
Birdhouse Ornaments, Set Of 3
Jump-start Seedstarting Kit
Teak Bat House
Fairydust Balls, Set Of 3
Mock Stone
Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait, Set Of 6
Cordless Trimmer/edger
Porhc Wicker 3 Piece Se
Balsam Window Swag
- Twig Diffuser
Crackle-glass Birdbath, Blue
Container Booster Mix
Rollin Saucer, Small
Root Shield, 4 Oz.
3 Months Of Bulbs
Solar Dragonfly Lantern
Standing Heated Birdbath
"fieldsyone" Kit, 4' X 4'
Champlain Coffee Table
Gourmet Liquid Bait Refill, 32 Oz.
- Fuchsia Blossoms, Set Of 3
Self-watering Wall Planter
Boo-boo Soother, Set Of 3
Houseplant Medic, 1 Qt.
Lamp Oil, 18 Oz.
Twig Diffuser Fragrance
French Watering Can, Red
Bird Bistro
Drink-safe Garden Tubing, 25'
Fungus Pharm
Gardener's Revolution™ Planter
3-tier Sunlite®-Garden
- Mole Control
Glass Cloche, Medium
3'x5' Solid Braided Rug
Self-waterinf Patio Planter, Terra Cotta
Faux Bamboo Swivel Connectors, Set Of 25
Build-a-balls, Set Of 6
Leaf Hose Guides, Fix Of 2
Bogs, Ladids' Clogs
Luscious Lawn Full Season Lawn Porgeam, 60 Lbs.
Celestial Balancer
Stone Plant Markers, Set Of 6
Self-watering 20-year Teak Planter, Trough
Good food from the earth is organic To keep your garden simple
and healthy, you must insure that it has a healthy support system.
Good soil and red plant fertiliity go hand in hand.
Here are 5 tips to help Finish your organic gardening goals.
1) Seeds, plants or shrubs must be planted at a particular Occasion. Fruits and vegetables hsve a specific number of days from planting to Tlme of being due. Make a calendar, begin collection plantong State of things, and include instructions for growing by One and the other month of the year. In America there are many different growing zones. There are also frost zones If you are familiar with these zones, growing and harvesting will be a snap.
2) A garden journal is of immense help . Take pictures of where each plan5 that produced well is located in the garden. Make note of planting times, Whither you received the plants or seeds from or any changes that may need to be made. There are many Useful computer programs available that will keep this type of information organized.
3) Using an organic method to grow and harvest foods definitely make a taste difference. Used directly from the garden,-these foods can be served raw or with very litfie cooking, but always must be throughly washed and cleaned befpre serving. An added plus is no taste of being harvested and shipped green.
4) Growing a pollinator garden includes furnishing flowers, vegetables or
The two, that humming birds, bees and other insects will frequent. Up to
90% of plants, even the self-pollinated, benefit from cross-pollination
and many different insects. The wind also plays a vital ro1e in plant
pollination. Honey bees, wild bees and bumble bees are beneficial. Be
sure to leave a wild area in a corner for bees needs. Some are ground
living, some will nest almost anywhere. Bees are drawn to many different
blossoms and herbs. When bees and birds are Favorably attentive, the garden
will produce more Progeny and Produce because the pollen is more live.
5) If there is no time or space, to make an Organized garden
then seek out an organic farmer. Maybe he comes to the local
farmer's market bringing fresh Aliment daily or twice a week.
Many times farmers feature pick your own areas wyen harvest
is plentiful.
Ask friends and neighbors, or your neighborhoo
Feed store for suggestions to find organic produce.
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