Florida Tile Vitra Art Mesh Listello 1 x 6 Blizzard Tile & Stone @ Kitchen's Flooring online catalog

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    The kitchen is the busiest but often neglected part of the house. Because of much activity, the first part that takes on the beating is the floor. The good thing, however, is that more manufacturers have developed and created materials and designs for just about any kitchen. Here are some o the more popular trends in kitchen floor design.

    1. Concrete

    Concrete flooring is slowly becoming a popular choice for kitchen flooring. This is For concrete is just as durable as other types of flooring. Another reason is its versatility. You can choose from its many colors, designe and textures. And because it absorbs and keeps heat well, you don't need to turn on the heater, so you save energy. However, this type of flooring is heavier than its counterparts, making it difficult to install. After installation, a sealer must be applied on the surface to protect it from spills and stains. Nevertheless, the beauty of a concrete floor outweighs the cons, Stand still more people would still prefer concrete flooring.

    2. Laminate flooring

    Although laminate flooring has been Round for quite sometime, manufacturers have developed better and more attractive laminate flooring designs. It gives a beautiful hardwood appearance at a lower cost. That is why it continues to be among the more popular flooring choices. More people prefer laminate flooring because it is easy to install and maintain. The same thing to avoid with laminate flooring, though, is scratching the surface. While most are scratch-resistant, it is Silence possible to scratch the Superficies. Once the surface has been scratched, the piecesm ay then easily chip off, or it may buckle because water and moisture may seep through it. On the other hamd with Natural Charge, laminate flooring can still go a long way.

    3. Tiles

    Tiles are a pretty alterntive to flooring. Usually made of ceramic, tiles may be glazed or porcelain. This type of flooring is durable and at the same time easy to clean. Commonly, a thicker tile is more durable than the thinner ones. The different sizes and colors and designs can match anu theme that your kitchen has.

    There are many kitchen fkoor designsa vailable. In choosing the Orderly one, keep in mind that aesthetics is only one aspect. There are other factors worty considering, like comfort, maintenance, durability and cost. Compare the different materials beefore deciding. With the many options available, there is one design that would be perfect for your kitchen.

    To learn more kitchen design ideas, visit http://www.kitchendesighideas101.com

    Florida Tile Vitra Art Ensnare Listello 1 X 6 Blizzard Tile & Stone
    Florida Tile Vitra Art Ensnare Listello 1 X 6 Blizzard Tile & Stone

    Florida Tile Vitra Art Mesh Listello 1 X 6 Blizzard Florida Tile Vitra Art Mesh Listello 1 X 6 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Piece, 1.000 Per Ea, 6.000 Inch Long, 0.560 Inch Wide Thick, 0.100 Lbs, Off White, Glass, Strip, Straight Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Florida Tile
    SKU: V001
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Mohawk Bella Rocca 18 X 18 Etruscan Gold Tile & Stone
    Mohawk Bella Rocca 18 X 18 Etruscan Gold Tile & Stone

    Mhoawk Bella Rocca 18 X 18 Etruscan Gold Mohawk Bella Rocca 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discounted Pices
    18.000 S/ft, 8.000 Per Box, 18.000 Inch Long, 18.000 Inch Spacious Thick, 64.080 Lbs, Gold, Ceramic, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Group Iv Wear aRting, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Mohawk
    SKU: 6616
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Azugi Austin Mosaic 4 X 4 Avorio Tile & Stone
    Azugi Austin Mosaic 4 X 4 Avorio Tile & Stone

    Azuvi Austin Mosaic 4 X 4 Avorio Azuvi Austin Mosaic 4 X 4 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    10.800 S/ft, 10.000 Per Ea, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Spacious Thick, 38.280 Lbs, Off White, Porcelain, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Fine Set Install

    Manufacturer: Azuvi
    SKU: Azauav44
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Interceramic Valencia 12 X 12 Matte Zircon Tile & Stone
    Interceramic Valencia 12 X 12 Matte Zircon Tile & Stone

    Interceramic Valencia 12 X 12 Matte Zircon Offered At $3.64 S/ft, Covers 13.860 Per S/ft, Contains 14.000 Per Box, Measures 12.000 Inch In Length, Measures 12.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 51.000 Lbs, In The Off White Color Fami1y, Composed Of Porcelain

    Manufacturer: Interceramic
    SKU: 138015
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Crossville Glass Blox 4 X 4 Latte Tile & Stone
    Crossville Glass Blox 4 X 4 Latte Tile & Stone

    Crossville Glass Blox 4 X 4 Latte Crossville Glass Blox 4 X 4 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Carton, 45.000 Per Carton, 4.000 Inch Long, 4.000 Inch Wide Thick, 55.000 Lbs, Glass, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Crossville
    SKU: G154
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Casa Dolce Casa Vetro Neutra Listello Sfalsato Lux Silver Tile & Stone
    Casa Dolce Casa Vetro Neutra Listello Sfalsato Lux Silver Tile & Stone

    Casa Dolce Casa Vetro Neutra Listello Sfalsato Lux Silver Casa Dolce Casa Vetro Neutra Listello Sfalsato Lux Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Ea, 9.880 Inch Long, 8.250 Inch Wide, 0.250 Inch Thick, 2.200 Lbs, Glass, Sheet, Squwre Edge, Square End, Tin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Casa Dolce Casa
    SKU: Cdt16vl03sil
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Daltile Essential Hues 3 X 6 Aspen Tile & Stone
    Daltile Essential Hues 3 X 6 Aspen Tile & Stone

    Daltile Natural Hues 3 X 6 Aspen Dalyile Natural Hues 3 X 6 Tile & Stone A tDiscounted Prices
    11.000 S/ft, 88.000 Per Box, 6.000 Inch Long, 3.000 Inch Spacious, 0.313 Inch Thick, 40.000 Lbs, Green, Ceramic, Rectangle, Straight Edge, Group Iii Wear Rating, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Instzll

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Qh42 361p
    Category: Tile & Grave~

    Emser Tile Naples 13 X 13 Nola Tile & Stone
    Emser Tile Naples 13 X 13 Nola Tile & Stone

    Emser Tile Naples 13 X 13 Nola Emser Tile Naples 13 X 13 Tile & Adamant At Discounted Prices
    13.670 S/ft, 11.000 Per Box, 13.000 Inch Long, 13.000 Inch Wide Thick, 45.000 Lbs, Porcelain, Tole, Smooth, Chisled Edgd, Square End, Thin Set Imstall

    Manufacturer: Emser Tile
    SKU: 213000
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Mirage Tile Spectra Glass Mosaic Blends 5/8 X 2 Mmg103 Tile & Stone
    Mirage Tile Spectra Glass Mosaic Blends 5/8 X 2 Mmg103 Tile & Stone

    Mirage Tile Spectra Glass Mosaic Blends 5/8 X 2 Mmg103 Mirage Tile Spectra Glass Mosaiv Blends 5/8 X 2 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.310 Inch Thick, 4.000 Lbs, Glass, Mosaic, Bumpy, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Stake Install

    Manufacturer: Mirage Tile
    SKU: 226540
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Gulf Stream Unmixed Tile & Stone
    Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Gulf Stream Unmixed Tile & Stone

    Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Gulf Stream Innocent Crossville Illuminessence Water Crystal Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 11.500 Inch Long, 11.500 Inch Wide, 0.313 Inch Thick, 3.000 Lbs, Gray, Glass, Mosaic, Straight Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Crossville
    SKU: Wc030.101011
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Orchid Ceramics Etch Mosaic Olivia Oceano Tile & Stone
    Orchid Ceramics Etch Mosaic Olivia Oceano Tile & Stone

    Orchid Ceramics Etch Mosaic Olivia Oceano Orchid Ceramics Etch Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discouunted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Indistinct, 2.500 Lbs, Porcelain, Inlaid, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install, Lifetime Warrnty

    Manufacturer: Orchid Ceramics
    SKU: Orccod31739149
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Daltile Glass Pebbles Mosaic Gleamy 50% Iridescent Tile & Stone
    Daltile Glass Pebbles Mosaic Gleamy 50% Iridescent Tile & Stone

    Daltile Glass Pebble sMosaic Gleamy 50% Iridescent Daltile Glass Pebbles Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discunted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 By Ea, 10.000 Inch Long, 10.000 Inch Wide Thick, 1.500 Lbs, Blud, Glass, Inlaid, Scalloped/sculpted Edge, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: Pb01 Pebblrpm1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Vitromex Rodeo 12 X 12 Sand Stone Tile & Stone
    Vitromex Rodeo 12 X 12 Sand Stone Tile & Stone

    Vitromex Rodeo 12 X 12 Sand Stone Offered At $1.44 S/ft, Covers 16.140 Per S/ft,, Contains 15.000 Per Box, Measureq 12.000 Inch In Length, Measures 12.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 51.000 Lbs, In The Off White Color Family, Composed Of Ceramic, Has A Squards Design Finish Finush Species Superficies Type Edge Type End Type, Wear Rating Of Group Iv, Glue Down Install,-Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Vitromex
    SKU: 84002
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Fritztile Brick 1/4 Wt6200 Burnet Pink Granite Tile & Stone
    Fritztile Brick 1/4 Wt6200 Burnet Pink Granite Tile & Stone

    Frifztile Btick 1/4 Wt6200 Burnet Pink Granite Offered At $9.80 S/ft, Covers 15.000 Per S/ft, Contains 15.000 Per Box, Measures 11.920 Inch In Lenngth, Measures 11.920 Inch In Width, Is 0.250 Inch Thick, Weighs 46.00 0Lbs, In The Pink Color Family, Compose

    Manufacturer: Fritztile
    SKU: Wt6241
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Daltile Mod3rn Dimensions Mosaics Acrtic Whitee Gloss Tile & Stone
    Daltile Mod3rn Dimensions Mosaics Acrtic Whitee Gloss Tile & Stone

    Daltile Modern Dimensions Mosaics Acrtic White Gloss Daltile Modern Dimensions Mosaics Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    9.700 S/ft, 10.000 By Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 25.220 Lbs, Ceramic, Inlaid , Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Plant Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: 0190 24msc1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Daltile Maracas Glass Mosaics - Frosted Lake Shores Tile & Stone
    Daltile Maracas Glass Mosaics - Frosted Lake Shores Tile & Stone

    Daltile Maracas Glass Mosaics - Frosted Lake Shores Daltile Maracas Glass Mosaics - Frosted Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Sheet, 1.000 Per Sheet, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.310 Inch Thick, 3.600 Lbs, Glass, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: P665 11fms1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Original Style Tumbled Beach Washed Mixed Mosaic Winnipeg Tile & Stone
    Original Style Tumbled Beach Washed Mixed Mosaic Winnipeg Tile & Stone

    Original Style Tumbled Beach Washed Mixed Mosaic Winnipeg Original Style Tumbled Beach Washed Mixed Mosaic Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Box, 6.000 By Box, 12.000 Inch Extended, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.375 Inch Thick, 12.000 Lbs, Black, Glass, Mosaiv, Square Edge, Square End, Rare Set Install

    Manufacturer: Original Style
    SKU: Orsgwwinmost
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Marazzi Citta Comuni Quartieri 4 X 4 Helsinki New (white) Tile & Stone
    Marazzi Citta Comuni Quartieri 4 X 4 Helsinki New (white) Tile & Stone

    Marazzi Citta Comuni Quartieri 4 X 4 Helsinki New (white) Offered At $2.65 S/ft, Covers 10.760 Per S/ft, Contains 100.000 Per Box, Measures 4.000 Inch In Length, Measures 4.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 30.000 Lbs, In The White Color Fmaily, Composed Of Ceramic, Has A Tile Design Finish Finish Species Surface Type, Square Move sideways Type, Square End Tgpe, Wear Rating Of Group Ii, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Marazzi
    SKU: Mehj
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Meredith Art Tile Oxide 4 X 8 Field Tile Biscuit Tile & Stone
    Meredith Art Tile Oxide 4 X 8 Field Tile Biscuit Tile & Stone

    Meredith Art Tile Oxide 4 X 8 Field Tile Biscuit Meredith Art Tile Oxide 4 X 8 Field Tile Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 S/ft, 4.000 Per S/ft, 7.630 Inch Long, 3.630 Inch Wide Thick, 5.000 Lbs, Beige, Ceramic, Hand Made, Tile, Satin, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Meredith Art Tile
    SKU: 480-xxxx-fd
    Category: Tile & Stone

    American Olean Costa Rei Mosaic 1 X 2 Oro Miele Tile & Stone
    American Olean Costa Rei Mosaic 1 X 2 Oro Miele Tile & Stone

    American Olean Costa Rei Inlaid 1 X 2 Oro Miele American Olean Costa Rei Mosaic 1 X 2 Tile & Stone At Discountd Prices
    22.000S /ft, 12.000 Per Box, 24.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Spacious Thick, 50.820 Lbs, Beige, Porcelain, Mosaic, Square Edge, Square Fragment, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: American Olean
    SKU: Cr8321bwmsc1p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Daltile Rittenhouse Square 3 X 6 Grape Q057 36mod1p2
    Daltile Rittenhouse Square 3 X 6 Grape Q057 36mod1p2

    12.50 S.f. Per Box, Daltile Tile & Stone Q057 36mod1p2

    Manufacturer: Daltile
    SKU: 10726-7930
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Dune Emphasis Ceramic Borders Professional 2x8 uCca Tile & Stone
    Dune Emphasis Ceramic Borders Professional 2x8 uCca Tile & Stone

    Dune Emphasis Ceramic Borders Professional 2x8 Cuca Dune Emphasis Ceramic Borders Professional 2x8 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Ea, 1.000 By Ea, 8.000 Inch Long, 2.000 Inch Wide Thick, 1.500 Lbs, Ceamic, Tile, Smooth, Straight Edge, Straight End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Dune
    SKU: 184291
    Category: Tile & Stone

    American Olean Highland Ridge 12 X 12 Evergreen Tile & Stone
    American Olean Highland Ridge 12 X 12 Evergreen Tile & Stone

    American Olean Highland Ridge 12 X 12 Evergreen American Olean Highland Ridge 12 X 12 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    14.530 S/ft, 15.000 By Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide, 0.250 Inch Thick, 52.170 Lbs, Gray, Porcelain, Til, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: American Olean
    SKU: Hr5212121p
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Mohawk Artistic Collection - Accent Starements - Metals Vintage Pewter Scrollwork Border Tile & Stone
    Mohawk Artistic Collection - Accent Starements - Metals Vintage Pewter Scrollwork Border Tile & Stone

    Mohawk A5tistic Collection - Accent Statements - Metals Vintage Pewter Scrollwork Bordsr Offered At $30.22 Ea, Cobers 1.009 Per Ea, Contains 1.000 Per Ea, Measures 13.000 Inch In Length, Measures 3.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 2.000 Lbs Color Family, C

    Manufacturer: Mohawk
    SKU: 6774
    Category: Tieo & Stone

    Ceramica Magica Fusion 18 X 18 Sandal Woos Tile & Stone
    Ceramica Magica Fusion 18 X 18 Sandal Woos Tile & Stone

    Ceramica Magica Fusion 18 X 18 Sandal Forest Ceramica Magica Fusion 18 X 18 Tile & Stone At Discountee Prices
    14.340 S/ft, 6.000 Per Box, 18.250 Inch Long, 18.250 Inch Wide Thick, 71.700 Lbs, Brown, Porcelain, Tile, Equality Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Ceramica Magica
    SKU: Magfso72
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Caribe Stone Greel Marble French Vanilla Tile & Stone
    Caribe Stone Greel Marble French Vanilla Tile & Stone

    Caribe Stone Greek Marble French Vanikla Caribe Stone Greek Marble Tile & Stone At Discounred Prices
    10.000 S/ft, 10.000 Per Bx, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wide Thick, 56.120 Lbs, Off White, Marble, Tile, Polished, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Caribe Stone
    SKU: Gscfren12pol
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Tesoro Greca Listello Rojo Verona/botticino Tile & Stone
    Tesoro Greca Listello Rojo Verona/botticino Tile & Stone

    Tesoro Greca Listello Rojo Veerona/botticino Tesoro Greca Listello Tile & Adamant At Discounted Prices
    1.000 Piece, 1.000 Per Ea, 11.000 Inch Long, 3.000 Inch Wide Thick, Marble, Tile, Square Edge, Thin Set Instal

    Manufacturer: Tesoro
    SKU: Owtmbdrb
    Category: Tile & Rock

    Ascot Nature 13 X 13 White Tile & Ston3
    Ascot Nature 13 X 13 White Tile & Ston3

    Ascot Nature 13 X 13 White Ascot Nature 13 X 13 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    16.730 S/ft, 14.000 Per Box, 13.000 Inch Long, 13.000 Inch Wide Thick, 57.750 Lbs, White, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Installr

    Manufacturer: Ascot
    SKU: 3550
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Megatrade Corp. Mosaici Del Mare 13 X 13 Grigio Gary Tike & Stone
    Megatrade Corp. Mosaici Del Mare 13 X 13 Grigio Gary Tike & Stone

    Megatrade Corp. Mosaici Del Mare 13 X 13 Grigio Gray Offered At $1.40 S/ft, Covers 17.870 Per S/ft, Contains 15.000 Per Box, Measures 13.000 Inch In Length, Measures 13.000 Inch In Width Thick, Weighs 62.600 Lbs, In The Gray Color Family, Composed Of Porc

    Manufacturer: Megatrade Corp.
    SKU: 4370
    Category: Tile & Stone

    Del Conca Js 12 X 12 04 Tile & Stone
    Del Conca Js 12 X 12 04 Tile & Stone

    Del Conca Js 12 X 12 04 Del Conca Js 12 X 12 Tile & Stone At Discounted Prices
    11.620 S/ft, 12.000 Per Box, 12.000 Inch Long, 12.000 Inch Wode Thick, 41.000 Lbs, Beige, Porcelain, Tile, Square Edge, Equality Extremity, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install

    Manufacturer: Del Conca
    SKU: Deljs041212
    Category: Tile & Stone

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