Sterling Silver 16mm Thin Flat Braided Hoop Earrings
Preparation before the show is an extremely important factor in your overall success. Don't let little problems ruin the big day, you have to be prepared for any situation. You have to make sure you are set up in a prime location, know what is or is not provided for vendors by the event promoter, how much lighting is available in the area and more. It is your responsibility to communicate all of this with your event promoter when you register to become a vendor. Other important details involve your potential customer base. What is the average age range of the people who will be attending? What types of items do they tend to spend the most money on? These will help determine what kind of jewelry you must bring to the jewelry show. Next, you need to know your competition. Many of these people have been selling their jewelry at these fairs and shows for years. How are they pulling in the business? What makes their booth stand out? What is the price range they are charging? You have to know all of these things in order to really do it right the first time. Go to a few show before you make the plunge, write down any questions you might have. Speak to a promoter or representative to get an idea of what you should expect.
- In Sterling Silvery -
SKU: Ise23381ss Category: Fine